Friday, August 14, 2009

Traveling Tips

1. Travel light.

A killer suitcase, lap top and purse -- I nearly injured myself on arrival. So, at departure I left my lap top in its backpack behind. Looking back, I should have taken the lap top and left all the clothes and souvenirs!

2. Make sure you confirm your reservation.

". . . Something wrong with the card." I attempted to check in for my flight and was surprised to find that I hadn't paid for the trip (3 weeks ago). Now I either must pay 3 times the original rate or turn around and return to base with the killer suitcase. I paid!

3. Take plenty of money.

Be prepared, however, not to have your bank check cashed by a different bank. It helps to have someone put your check in their account. That way you get to beg for (your own) money all the time.

4. Take essentials:

Clothes and accessories a la season--

A good shaver--

One set of fluffy bath linen--

Comfortable walking shoes--

Foot therapy cream & pumice stone--

Sun repellent cream with natural mosquito repellent (lavender)--

Toothpaste/brush; cotton deodorant; favorite soap in dish; travel sized shampoo--

Woolite for handwashing clothing--

Pretty underwear--

Swimsuit + swim shorts + beach towel + sunscreen + sunglasses + flip flops--

Bag of meds including aspirin, Alka-Seltzer Plus, Tiger Balm (for bites), bandaids--

A wind jacket/raincoat; wool sweater--

A professional suit--

Sandals (for not burning the bottom of your bare feet when walking far)--

Or non-slippery boots--

Your resume (to seek employment)--

A copy of your credit report (to seek residence)--

Two forms of ID (State ID/license + passport)--

A credit card--

Your travel diary--

. . . etc, etc, etc.

5. Do not be negligent.

Don't lock your keys in the suitcase.

Don't forget your camera.

Pay attention to your money, wallet, purse, ticket.

Don't eat/drink anything that repels you.

Don't lower your standards (a slut) in order to be with another person.

Wear a watch that clearly shows the time.

Plan your trip.

Take a cell phone for emergencies.

Bring everybody back a souvenir -- don't be cheap.

Eat good, nourishing meals. Avoid snacks.

6. Have a good time!
Eat with the locals.
Take public transportation.
Go to the fair, the shore, the big city, go swimming!
Don't buy anything you already have.
Write things down so you don't forget. Plan your parties.
Take care of your body.
Pay attention to the minimal (flora & fauna).
Pay attention to the forces (thunder, danger, etc).
Buy things you need; buy others things that remind you of them.
Use a sunscreen. Wear a sunhat.
Don't forget your CD player, Gameboy or puzzle book.
Don't get into the habit of "eating yourself full". Eat in moderation.
Don't talk too much (a sign of nervousness). Avoid personal issues.
Don't sign any contracts (promises).
Don't go with somebody in his/her car (dependance).
Know what you want.
Do not make a hasty decision out of anger or fear.
Do not go along with someone "because you said you would". It's OK to change your mind.
Read/study a good map to plan your trip.

7. Friends/Relatives
Do they want you? -- If not, don't go.
Do they need you? -- If yes but you don't need them, don't go.

8. To be continued . . .

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